Correcting the Record

Correcting the Record: Exposing False Information In News Reports, Articles, and Correspondences

Numerous inaccuracies and misleading statements have been communicated in the popular press, published articles, and correspondences about COLCRYS®, unapproved colchicine, and URL Pharma’s extensive clinical program to improve the safety of colchicine. These inaccuracies are exposed here and corrected.

  • New England Journal of Medicine

    • The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published a Perspective on April 14, 2010 that contained numerous inaccuracies and misleading assertions about COLCRYS® and our substantial efforts to bring patients and physicians a better and safer colchicine. We have reprinted the article and interposed our responses to correct the false or misleading statements.
  • Wall Street Journal

    • On April 12, 2010, the Wall Street Journal published an article on colchicine and COLCRYS® that contained some correct information but also communicated a number of inaccuracies. We have reprinted the article and interposed our responses to correct and clarify these inaccuracies.
  • Arthritis Today

    • On April 20, 2010, Arthritis Today published an article that unfortunately contained some inaccuracies. We have reprinted that article with our corrections to the inaccurate statements placed where appropriate to give the reader accurate information.
  • Myths and Facts

    • We address some of the most commonly repeated inaccurate or misleading statements about COLCRYS®, followed by the key facts that refute each of these myths.